Saratoga County District Attorney Karen A. Heggen announced today that a Saratoga County Jury convicted Stephen A. Frank (DOB 10/29/1976), a Correction Officer within the Warren County Jail, of three (3) separate Class “D” Felony counts of Aggravated Criminal Contempt in the First Degree, four (4) separate Class “E” Felony counts of Criminal Contempt in the First Degree, and several Class “A” Misdemeanor counts of Assault in the Third Degree in connection with numerous incidents of domestic violence against his ex-wife within their Moreau home.     

The victim took the stand at trial during the week-long trial and described several years’ worth of both verbal and physical abuse at the hands of the Defendant, which often occurred in front of their two (2) children.  The victim testified alongside dozens of photographs of her extensive injuries to her face, arms, chest, neck, and even lungs.  The victim’s eleven-year-old (11) son also took the stand and testified as to the relentless pattern of abuse.

Further, three (3) medical professionals testified to the extent of the victim’s physical injuries, as well as a Domestic Violence Expert who described at length the challenges domestic violence victims face within the current criminal justice system.

The Defendant took the stand in his own defense at trial and maintained that he was, in fact, the true victim within the relationship— primarily citing perceived “disrespect” within the home.

The Jury rejected the Defendant’s claims after an extensive review of the evidence together with the testimony from the People’s witnesses.  The Jury convicted the Defendant after deliberating for less than two (2) hours. 

The Defendant faces up to eight and one-third to twenty-five (8 1/3 – 25) years in State Prison on the numerous domestic violence convictions, which can be served consecutively when he is sentenced on May 2, 2025.

District Attorney Heggen thanked the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Department, local healthcare providers, and the crime victims for their hard work, perseverance, and commitment to ensuring that justice was done.  “Domestic violence nearly always occurs out of public view and often creates victims who elect to protect their families rather than themselves,” said Heggen.  “I want to commend both the victim and her young son for summoning the courage to take the stand at trial and ensure that the Defendant was held accountable for his years of domestic abuse.”

The case was prosecuted by Assistant District Attorneys Jennifer Pratt and Joseph Frandino together with District Attorney’s Office Investigator Jack Barney.